Welcome to our Blog!!

The title of our blog is a bit different, but for this oft-moved family we feel like our less travelled roads have in fact made all the difference. Enjoy. The picture up top was taken by us on one of our trips to Central Park.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I regret to inform you!

Get this…so I just arrived in Columbus, hopped in a rent car, nearing B&K’s house when Steph calls me with panic still in her voice. Continental Airlines just called her and started the conversation with, “is this Ms. Bassett?”.”uh, yes” came the reply..."can you confirm if Sidney Bassett was aboard Continental flight 234 to Columbus, OH?" “…gulp, uh yes, why?” … “We regret to inform you Ms. Bassett that……” “” "…we regret to inform you,…that he left his computer on the plane." WHAT? A computer? Thanks for scaring me half to death. Ah, you got to love Continental. post script...the computer was in fact left, but subsequently retrieved. No harm, no foul.

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